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★★★★★High School Coach"Coach, we have used two of your booklets this year with tremendous results. We purchased a Life Lessons and Compete booklet for every player and did a team study. In the preseason we took one character trait a day from the Life Lessons booklet and discussed it, had every player assess where they are currently and where they want to be. Now in the middle of the season we are going through the Compete booklet section by section and applying it to our team covenants. In 22 years of coaching I have never had a team I enjoyed more. Team attitudes are off the charts! The best players are our best examples and we are winning!! Love it!"
★★★★★High School Athletic Director & Coach"The materials and presentations you have provided us and have truly life changing for our school. We have been able to eliminate division among programs and are beginning to impact students in a completely different way. We will be implementing the Captains and Coaches information next month with our spring football camp."
★★★★★Bob Fink, Coaching Educator"I spent the entire evening watching your videos and have also read half your book. WOW, am I ever impressed. I learned more about coaching, parenting, and teaching in one evening than I did in two years of graduate school. Bottom line is… you are doing a great thing."
Springfield, MN
★★★★★High School Athletic Director“Your materials completely changed my path as a coach!! Love your booklets!!! Clearly concise and immediately applicable! Now that I am an Athletic Director, I am purchasing your bundled package for every one of my new coaches to shorten their learning curve and so they understand the culture of our entire athletic department. Best investment we could make!!”