Creating character-based team cultures

Business Presentations

The Seven Essentials of Great Teams

Half Day Presentation

From my book, The Seven Essentials of Great Teams, another 1001, this presentation covers leadership, guiding principles, pride, communication, motivation, persistence and a positive, team-first attitude. How you can apply them to build teams of character and competence.


Seven Essentials of Great Teams (Another 1001)

Seven Ways to Lead Your Team

This presentation applies seven principles of leadership.
1) Be the first to serve,
2) Be the first to lead by example,
3) Be a lifeline of communication between the coach and the team,
4) Be the first to praise others,
5) Be the first to protect and defend your team (loyalty),
6) Be the first to confront violations of your team standards (solving problems before they impact your team), and 7) Be the first to encourage and the last to become discouraged (mental toughness).


Captains, 7 Ways to Lead Your Team

Proactive Leadership, Empowering Team Leaders

First Steps to Successful Teams

This presentation is an in-depth look at the first things that must be done when building a team – Guiding Principles (establishing Core Covenants, an identity and vision with actions) and Pride (establishing an inner circle based upon shared joy).


First Steps to Successful Teams

Motivational Concepts for Successful Leaders

There are six motivational concepts that separate leaders. Your success as a leader will be in direct proportion to your ability to plan, teach, relate and motivate. Your goal should be to get your team to do everything they are capable of and to enjoy it.

The Impact of Trust

When teams trust their leader and each other it has a tremendous impact on performance. What allows a leader to be trusted? How can leaders improve the level of individual and team trust? What cause leaders to be distrusted and how does that impact performance? When trust is present, teams have a much better chance of reaching potential.


The Impact of Trust

Improving Your Existing Team

How leaders can make positive changes to their current team. The presentation includes a leadership assessment checklist, creating a vision, who to bring to your team to add value and how to raise morale.

Traits of Elite Competitors

This presentation is designed specifically for sales force. The tougher the market the better chance competitors will succeed.



About Us

Proactive Coaching works with coaches, teams and leaders to help intentionally create character-based team cultures, provide a blueprint for team leadership, develop confident, tough-minded, fearless competitors, and train leaders for excellence and significance.

We have had in person presentations to over 1.5 million people across the U.S., Canada and Europe.  We have books, eBooks, booklets and streaming presentations designed to help coaches, athletes and parents better navigate the world of recreational, competitive and professional athletics.