Bruce Brown, Dr.Steve


Master Coach Bruce Brown was featured in a recent post, as part of Dr.Steve’s (@SportsShrink) ‘Ultimate Human Leader‘ series.

The following is an excerpt from Dr.Steve‘s, ‘What Great Leaders Say About Great Leaders with Master Coach Bruce Brown‘ :


Ultimate Leadership ~ 10 Q&A’s with the Great Coach Brown


Q: Which is most important in a leader?

A: Completing the mission


Q: When faced with two equally-qualified leaders, how do you determine whom takes the Captain position?

A: Share the leadership or if you have to choose one, choose the one who naturally attracts the most followers


Q: What is one characteristic that you believe every leader should possess?

A: Courage


Q: What is the biggest challenge facing leaders today?

A: Confronting problems – not confronting behaviors that are violations of the team values


Q: What is one mistake you witness leaders making more frequently than others?

A: Taking action before thinking or seeking counsel


Q: What is the one behavior or trait that you have seen derail more leaders’ careers?

A: Ego – selfishness – integrity


Q: What advice would you give someone going into a leadership position for the first time?

A: Study great leaders


Q: What do you like to ask other leaders when you get the chance?

A: Who are your mentors?


Q: Who do you believe is the greatest leader of our time as a human race?

A: Jesus Christ


Q: Name one word that best describes the greatest leader?

A: Service/selflessness


Master Coach Bruce Brown’s Proactive Coaching upholds the following core beliefs:

  • Anything that can be done to improve the character of your athletes and team improves your chances for success in every way (including the scoreboard).
  • The athletic experience should provide an opportunity for character growth.
  • Athletics by itself does not build character. Character growth only happens when coaches intentionally model and intentionally teach character
  • It is OK for coaches to teach values.
  • Coaches and teams should have standards, not rules.
  • The clearer your standards are, the better chance your athletes will understand and rise to them
  • The character lessons intentionally taught and practiced will be a coach’s best legacy.
  • All the character traits learned from a positive athletic experience apply directly to every team in your life – families, businesses, schools etc.


Check out Master Coach Bruce Brown’s Proactive Coaching


Teaching Character Through Sport: Developing a Positive Coaching Legacy


Thanks to Dr.Steve, @SportsShrink, for the opportunity to have this discussion. To see the article in its’ entirety, and to find any tidbits you may have missed, please see the original here.


Proactive Coaching